Today Chance got his stitches/staples out - and I think it's testament to his wonderful temperament that he didn't so much as flinch whilst the veterinary nurse dug around his privates with a pair of pliers! He had been so good on the way in the car that I just felt terrible as he looked up at me, his big brown eyes shooting me a 'well this is hardly what I was expecting' look. When we got home there was some well deserved 'bone' time - including some cute bone sharing.
We also went for a walk - this time however I was prepared! And I'm happy to report that he did really well! We got over 2 blocks this time, and honestly we could have gone further but i was getting a little rope burn from correcting him so we headed back, but by the time we arrived home he was hardly pulling at all - a complete turnaround from yesterdays saga!I just have to share this - the other night I was scratching Chance on his belly and his back leg started 'scratching' wildly in mid air. I had to get it on video - so here he is, in his first staring role...
After such an eventful day he is now relaxing on his bed in his usual position; half on-half off.
Thank you for taking him in! I'm glad that he has a home to go to until he finds a permanent one. I wanted to keep him but I wasn't able to. I love looking at his blog! It's nice to see him having so much fun. I miss him! Give him a big hug for me! He loves those.