So I was perhaps a little overconfident when I decided to take both the dogs out by myself this evening. Overall it went extremely well, in fact I think it had a positive impact on Penny. Normally she will pull for the first half of the walk and only start to hang back after she gets a little tired, today however she trotted along with slack in the lead from the start. Chance did even better than yesterday, we actually made it to the park - third time's a charm! He really has come a long way in terms of pulling less and it was an enjoyable walk today.
The only hair-raising moment was when we passed by houses with yappy dogs running up and down the length of the chain link fences as we walked by. This has always been a great experience with Penny - she's never had any reaction, just ignores them and keeps going - I like to imagine she's thinking "oh hush....I'm not the one stuck behind a fence!" Chance however reacted more like someone recently escaped from a mental institution. Maybe that's an exaggeration - but it's safe to say he most definitely wanted to meet these dogs. Since Penny and I had a majority vote in favor of carrying on, that's what we did, with me yelling "NO" like a crazy person. What a lovely sight we must have been.
In other news, I have lost the couch battle; well when something is this cute how can you refuse them?
It was the walk. It's all your fault. You wore him out. :)