Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A learning game

This morning the drugs had clearly all worn off from yesterdays 'nip and tuck'; 30 minutes into the day and I was already exhausted - this pups got more energy that an atomic bomb!

Only 18 hours into our relationship and we are learning lots about each other:

What I have learned about Chance:

  • He likes to always be by my side and follow me around the house
  • He is a quick learner and smart too - we have the 'sit' command completely mastered!
  • He does not have any spatial awareness of his body.....at all
  • He likes sitting on your lap - and thinks you like it too- all 48pounds of it!
  • His preferred method of lying on a doggie bed is - half on, half off.

What Chance has learned about me:
  • I am a sucker for giving out treats when he looks at me with those big brown eyes

All in all, Chance is settling in well. I knew he felt at home when he put his feet up on the couch (see the cute photo below)! He checked out the raised vegetable beds earlier, but since Dr.'s orders demand mostly rest for the next couple of days until his stitches heal, he's mostly been hanging with his new best friend - bone. 
Yum! Veggies
Putting my feet up

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