Thursday, July 14, 2011

A gentleman and a thief

It's been a few days since Chance's surgery so we thought he could handle a little playtime. I have to admit I was a little nervous since he has 15pounds on Penny and if anything got a little too rough I certainly wouldn't be able to separate them. There was no need to worry; the perfect gentleman, he constantly rolled over in a submissive pose as they played 'rough'. It was so cute to watch. Of course, if you ask Penny, she'll tell you that she's just the better wrestler!
There was also time for a little frisbee, which started out with some cute sharing...
But then he pulled a 'catch me if you can' routine (what is it with boys?!)...
But you know, you have to be very comfortable with your masculinity to rock a pink frisbee...
When we got back inside we had a 'who can stick their tongue out the furthest' competition and you'll never guess who won!

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